Under utilized agricultural land that is waiting to be discovered
Prime productive agricultural Land is laying dormant in the vast kajiado county, today I will concentrate on the land behind ngonghills.
This part is originally know as ntashate in masai language, translated to mean flat low grassy land.
In the past this was grazing land for the nomadic tribe of masai who roamed this valleys grazing their cattle. moving from one place to the other searching for greeny pasture for their animals.
Today the story is different given the fact that, the masai have abandoned the nomadic life and are slowly adopting the western lifestyle.
The economical activity of this community largely remains animal dependent, the masai still keep large herds of cattle and use milk, and sell animal to the local butcheries and slaughter houses for income.
Ntasahet is now occupied by people from all parts of the world, but most of the land remins bushy and un cultivated.
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